Oral health screening programme for first year undergraduate students
at University of Sri Jayewardenepura

The Faculty of Dental Sciences announces a special screening programme to celebrate Oral Health Day which falls on 20th of March 2023 under the theme of “Be proud of your mouth for a lifetime of smiles”. This event promises to be an informative and engaging affair with 500 first year undergraduate students set to benefit from oral health screening, education sessions and free distribution of oral healthcare products. The event will take place on 21st March 2023 starting at 8.30 am at the Medical Centre of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This event is a great initiative by the staff of the Faculty of Dental Sciences and Sri Lanka Dental Association (SLDA), with the Medical Centre of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to promote oral health among university students and encourage students to adopt healthy oral habits.