The Department of Restorative Dentistry was established to teach students about the management of compromised tooth structure due to caries, trauma and developmental anomalies. This ranges from simple fillings, root canal treatment to advanced indirect restorations which are fabricated in a laboratory to restore the missing tooth structure such as indirect veneers, crowns and bridges, inlays, onlays and overlays. The Department of Restorative dentistry also undertakes treatments related to Cosmetic Dentistry, which is gaining popularity worldwide.
Initially, the students gain practical exposure to these procedures on manikins. Competent students are allocated patients to be treated under the supervision of staff members.

Academic Staff Members

Prof. Priyake Palipana
Head & Professor in Restorative Dentistry
BDS (Peradeniya), MS (Col), FRACDS (Australia)
Department of Restorative Dentistry